NFT High Quality Unique Items, Art, Collectibles

Physical Art

 E.g. Koons, Modigliani, Picasso, Caravaggio, Leonardo Da Vinci

Digital Art

E.g. Crypto Unicorns, Beeple

Physical Art/Collectibles

The winner of the auction will be the new owner of the NFT AND of the physical item.

If the item is for example a Picasso the winner of the auction will be the new owner of the physical Picasso masterpiece and also of the NFT.

Digital Art/Collectibles

The winner of the auction will be the new owner of the NFT.

NFT Platform

Focused on limited collections


High quality art and collectibles


From 5 days to 30 days auctions

NFT Marketplace

High end collections for sale


Royalties forever for artist/owner


Community driven decisions

The focus is primarily on high quality physical and digital art/collectibles limited collections that will be vetted by Unicorn initially and progressing to a community decision



Cold Storage Wallets Management

X-Elements is a company incorporated under the laws of Austria and it provides the offline wallets management.

Smart Contracts Auditor

Smart State has audited extensively the smart contracts. Please click below to download the audit report.

© Unicorn 2021

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